Friday 8 June 2007

Lyon: Tom and Me

Some of Tom's Lyon

"I went on Friday morning being the third day of June about sixe of the clocke from Tarare in my bootes, by reason of a certaine accident, to a place about six miles therehence, where I took post horse, and came to Lyons about one of the clocke in the afternoone."

“It rained most extremely without any ceasing, that I was drooping wet to my very skinne when I came to my Inne. I passed three gates before I entered the city. The second was a very faire gate, at one side thereof there is a very stately picture of a Lyon. When I came to the third gate I could not be suffered to passé into the city, before the porter having first examined me wherehence I came, and the occasion of my businesse, there gave me a little ticket under his hand as a kind of warrant for mine entertainment in mine Inne. For without that ticket I should not have beene admitted to lodge within the walles of the City.”

"…this city of Lyon, which is situate under very high rocks and hils on one side, and hath a very ample and spacious plaine on the other side. It is fortified with a strong wall, and hath seven gates, many faire streets, and goodly buildings, both publique and private. Very populous, and is esteemed the principall emporium or mart town of all France next to Paris. It is the seat of an Archbishop, who is the Primate and Metropolitan of France…Most of the buildings are of an exceeding height, sixe or seven stories high together with the vault under the ground."

“Many of the Kings Mules which are laden with merchandise come to Lyons, where they lay down their burdens, who have little things made of Osier like Baskets hanging under their mouths, wherein there is put hay for them to eate as they travel: over their forehead and eyes they have three peeces of plate, made eyther of brasse or latten, wherein the Kings arms are made: also they have pretty peeces of pretty coloured cloth, commonly redde hanging down from the middle of their forehead downe to their noses, fringed with long faire fringe, and many tassels bobbing about it."

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